About Izzy
Hello I’m Izzy Reeves, Markus’ daughter - and I’m here to bring you the (aptly named) Daughterboard series!
The Daughterboard Series consists of vintage style PCB based pedals, with the pedals tailored to small batches of NOS transistors.
A couple of years ago I started to help dad grade transistors and components, since then I’ve been hanging about the workshop doing a lot of watching and learning. We always wondered what could be done with the smaller batches of transistors dad has collected over the years and so this series is based around exactly that.
Dad and I design the graphics, I screen print, paint and drill the enclosures, then populate the circuit boards - which he designs.
I make them, dad checks them, they rock.
I hope you like the pink.
All T-Shirts
Merch is produced and shipped separately from pedals. These products are printed...
All Notebooks
Merch is produced and shipped separately from pedals. These products are printed...